At Kawartha Adventure Rentals, we are dedicated to creating a healthy environment for our guests while respecting social distancing practices and staying safe. We are ready to provide you with the opportunity to get outside, breathe fresh air, explore the water and stay active.

Here is what we are doing to help protect our guests, staff and loved ones:

-Cleaning all equipment used by staff or guests after every use.
-Maintaining government recommended social distancing while signing guests up, giving lessons or gearing up.
-Limiting the number or people in the store at one time.

Here is what we are recommending our guests to:

-Please Show up ready to go.
-We will not be providing change rooms or washrooms at this time and storage will be limited so please come prepared to go right out onto the water.
-Book online in advance of your rental and pre-pay in full when passible.
-Complete all required rental agreements and wavers online before arriving if possible.
-Pay by debit or credit. We would prefer not to accept Cash at this time.
-If you are sharing a kayak, canoe, boat or Sea-Doo, please only do so with those from your same household.
-Please respect social distancing measures while visiting us so we can keep both you and our staff safe.
-If you have any signs of illness, please stay home.